So, at long last, the alphabet code has a digital home! I decided to just wade in, hack together a wordpress site and put the alphabet code out into the world. I approached it like a salad; I put a bunch of the writing and images into the bowl, whatever was in the pantry, and wasn’t precious about perfection. It’s a mashup, a semi-organized chaos, which will evolve as we make choices with the style and design of the images, writing, structure and flow of the information. But, a bunch of stuff is here, and can be seen and browsed! Exciting.
Sven Van Echelpoel stepped in with his digital guru skillz and helped me to begin to make friends with WordPress. It is a powerful website builder, with a jet engine under the hood and a fairly friendly interface. I’m reaching back into my memories of being a webmaster myself back in the day, where html cheatsheets were my saving grace. Gosh, do they still call people ‘webmasters’? Seems so yesteryear.
Anyhow, now Harry and I are looking at the main artwork we will use as elements for the website. Much of the imagery that is on this first iteration of the site is old material, so most things will to be updated. We went back to the drawing board, as it were, and noted which of the meanings we had wanted to change for the final draft of the website, and the first iteration of the physical card set. And holy smokes! It ends up we made a pretty big change, and it was powerful to feel the effects.
If you are reading about the alphabet code for the first time, it will be helpful to know that each letter in the alphabet has a specific meaning. It’s more correct to say that each letter has a constellation of meaning, and we have reduced that constellation of meaning into a word or short phrase. Because each letter is actually an entangled complexity of meaning, sometimes the short word or phase that we use to ‘give it a handle’ doesn’t include all of the richness of meaning within.
Before today, the letter ‘I’ was given a short meaning of ‘complete’. In the past, it has been ‘individuation’, which is a bit richer of a meaning matrix and speaks to the integration of the first eight letters in people’s understanding of themselves. In that sense completion speaks to the completion of the process of becoming a whole human, and knowing that you are a spark of ‘all that is, being, seeing form and energy in relationship, essential, eternal, and therefore complete’.
What we landed on today was ‘self aware’. And oh my gosh, what a difference that makes when exploring words! For example, check out what ‘meaning’ is in the alpbabet code. Feel the difference between the letter ‘i’ meaning complete, and it meaning ‘self aware’. Feel the difference.
One of the considered short meanings was ‘I am’, which was also very interesting to explore. We found that although it made sense in words, because it is a different tense than the rest of the alphabet code, it didn’t work as well in all circumstances. The best I can express is that when we tested some words, I got a ‘ding, ding, ding’! when we used self aware.
Check out the word insights, again replacing the meaning in the graphic with ‘self aware’. So interesting! For me, it creates much more clarity in the alphabet code, by centering the meaning for fully in the core of the meaning itself. This brings the concept of self awareness more directly into the whole fabric of the series, and just felt more true.
More to say. For now, I’m just so grateful for the chance to build something cool that helps people to understand this beautiful series of insights that can help us evolve, and navigate the critical path in front of us.