
When I first heard the letter W, it was openness to a greater understanding. In our language set, you will see that shortened to ‘understanding’. This sense of an open portal to the entire universe, this needed curiosity that impels the attention towards that which could be known. This is not about knowing it all already: it is more humble than that. 

As the twenty third letter, it is the last prime, or tenth in the series of primes that flow through the alphabet code. If we give meaning to that placement, it would be a creational or manifestational energy that comes through this prime. 

It feels like there is a connection between the M and the W: they are both primes, and the M resonates to four, or form, and the W resonates to 5. When I feel into M, there is a groundedness to the earth, that the gravity of the form of the planet connects the is-ness of things into place, with a center. It is relativity expressed through the dance of the spheres, clearly dancing around a center, and fractal: it could also express molecularly. Either way, the action of is-ness requires a center.

In the enneagram, there is a gateway between the 4 and the 5: the M is the 4th movement on the second tier, and the W is the 5th movement of the third tier. Somehow I feel that between this force of form that is relativity and the gateway of knowledge which is understanding is the space of a free transform energy: and that it is many-dimensional and interdependent.

With W, the orientation is outward rather than inward. When we are open to the greater understanding of which we are a part, we transfer our view from inside of us to a greater wholeness.

The openness here is the key: that we don’t presume we know it all, that we are done, that we are complete, but rather that there is always something more to know, that there is always a greater envelope not yet seen, that the wholeness of the singularity of creation cannot be fully known and integrated from all points of view as a static state. 

For a little while I played with this letter as meaning ‘wisdom’. I think it can, but perhaps we are not yet at that level of development. It is more meaningful at this moment to be open to a greater understanding, and the humility that conveys, rather than put some stamp of approval on what we may call ‘wisdom’. My felt sense is we are working on it, and as we develop P, or our thinking, we will be able to better discern what is truth, what is information, and what is wisdom.

By the numbers: 23; prime

By the sound: double you

By the shape: a two dimensional representation of a spiral or sideways coil; two anchors and three points upwards

Images: a person arms upward as if in an open pose receiving energy from above

Meanings: Openness to a greater understanding; for short, understanding or wisdom.

First heard as: openness to the greater understanding of the universe

Explore the letters

A  B  C   D  E  F   G  H  I  

J  K  L   M  N  O   P  Q  R 

S  T  U   V  W  X   Y  Z  Ƶ