
T is the twentieth letter, and means presence. The first meaning was of the ‘Christ Grid’ or Christ Consciousness’, and basically I saw and felt a grid of presence, conscious living beingness, holding the planet in a pattern of light. The hope is that as we are connected, we can become present in situ, and we hold our visions in place through resonant awareness of each other, the time we are in, and the preciousness of the purpose: life itself, in good relation to all other life. 

This is the 20th letter, 4×5: it is the four of form times energy. Form times energy is presence, dimensionally expressed. This also neatly holds the meaning of time within it, as that center of perspective that is deep inside the cycles of time. The present moment is a movement, a dimension of beingness from which point all that is actually expressed is expressed. 

Presence is a form of energy. It creates a container for something even greater than that to sit, to be held, to be contained: you.

By the numbers: 20; 2×10, 4×5, 2x2x5

By the sound: tee

By the shape: a cross with a high bar, or junction with a top bar

Images: a grid laid across the earth; an interlocking web; each node an instance of conscious presence, or light, expressed; a human standing arms wide open

 Meanings:  present moment awareness, connected grid of consciousness; at the ready, present, showing up, rising to the occasion, interconnected web, connected grid of consciousness, stillness of the mountain, unshakable, waiting gathered attention; presence; christ consciousness; the grid of conscious reality, awareness connected in time 

First heard as: christ consciousness, the christ grid; presence

Explore the letters

A  B  C   D  E  F   G  H  I  

J  K  L   M  N  O   P  Q  R 

S  T  U   V  W  X   Y  Z  Ƶ