The S is the nineteenth letter in the alphabet, which is a prime. It is the ninth in the progression of primes, so it holds the resonance of both one and nine, alpha and omega. It means connection. When I first heard the letter, it was a bit more cryptic: as above, so below. Now I think that the action of that is that the energy moves through our body and connects us to the earth and the stars. This connection holds us in a grid of interpenetrating bodies.
This connection is a profound goal. As a prime letter, it is a new energy coming in. The connection of all of us is a primary way to express the unity of us, and I would say this is a new force that has been at work for centuries to create forms that connect us. We are now at a tipping point where our consciousness is knowing that our systems are not sound, and that some fundamental things need to change to bring our systems of connection under conscious and chosen control.
S is where we are connected, where we can connect things, and is the action of plugging in to the systems of life, living and being.
By the numbers: 19; prime
By the sound: ess
By the shape: an unwound spiral
Resonates to: 1, on the third tier of development
Images: an upper curve joining a lower curve; an inverted reversal
Meanings: interconnectivity, bridging separation, linking, as above, so below
Connection, as above so below, a mirroring function, linking, the is-ness of oneness, seeing the world within, as within so without, foundation of relativity, interconnectivity
First heard as: as above, so below; connection
Explore the letters