Q q
By the numbers: 17; prime
By the sound: Kew
By the shape: From within a circle, a stroke moves from inside to outside. The circle, the boundary of the known, is pierced, and enters the unknown.
Images: a bounded circle is pierced
Meanings: curiosity,inquiry, living into the unknown, wonder, question
hero’s journey, living into the unknown, quest, question, wonder, inquiring, doubt, interrogation, to ask, curiosity
First heard as: quest, question
Ah! An exciting one… the quest. The eighth movement of the second tier, and the eighth prime number. The Q is the bounded world, the known; and that little jut jumps out of the known into the unknown. The question empells the action. It is the essence of where we look from, what we want to know is the arrow of our attention.
A quest, as in a question is a leap. It triggers an action, a story, and hopefully an inspiring one; and shared hope that burns in the breast, so others can either follow or be inspired themselves.
The last prime letter was M, the natural cycles of the universe, and in between that and Q is a triad of divisibles, a clump of complexity holding the meanings of ‘within the boundaries of thinking’ . The boundaries of our inner thoughts; the center of what we choose to create, with the information we have. Does this give us an opportunity to create a quest that is worthy of this time of transformation? We will see!
A ~ B ~ C ~ D ~ E ~ F ~ G ~ H ~ I ~ J ~ K ~ L ~ M ~ N ~ O ~ P ~ Q ~ R ~ S ~ T ~ U ~ V ~ W ~ X ~ Y ~ Z ~ Ƶ