The Alphabet Code
P ~ think

P ~ think

P p

By the numbers: 16; 2×8, 4×4, 2x2x2x2

By the sound: pee

By the shape: a sense of an incomplete stroke. If the p were to be shaped in right relationship to the development of the activity of thinking, it may be shaped as the letter phi, in Greek: φ. Here you may feel the integration of thinking from the head to the heart, and back again. Imagine the post through the middle of the letter, connecting the top of the round (head) with the bottom of the round (heart).

Images: energy flow of thinking from the head to the heart and back again; the current manifestation of thinking as logical, and not integrated in the full wholeness of reality 

Meanings: thought, imagine, to contemplate, to deliberate, demonstrating immortality perceiving the possible, immortality through ideas, noticing, becoming aware

Thinking, thought, immortality, limitless mental potential, superstructure of being, imagining the unseen, perceiving the possible, considering options, mulling, essence demonstrated, sensing coherence in chaos, synthesis, analysis, reasoning, logic, imagination, mental processing

First heard as: thinking

The P in a sense is the most elegant complexity in the alphabet code. It is 2×8; 4×4, 2x2x2x2. It is the seventh expression of the second tier, and so holds an essential resonance. 2×8 is being eternal; 4×4 is form on form, and it is 2 to the power of 4. Intuitively, it feels both stable and generative. 

When I first received the information, alongside P there was a special asterisk: that P was not very well developed, and that the power of it, the power of thinking, was not very well understood. In the image I saw that the written way it was expressed was only half the story; and that it should be a full circle with a post down the center. This simple form is the expression of a figure, with the energy running from the head to the heart, and in the P we use it stops there. The image was that if we were able to balance our thinking, and run our thinking energy through our head to our heart and back again, we would be much more balanced in cycling our thinking energy in a good way. 7272, 808

Writing and publishing is one of the key ways that our thought has been captured, communicated and shared. This does make us eternal, and opens up a universe of potential choices to make about what to be interested in, what to learn, and what to create. Of course, this is only one of many ways to immortalize oneself. There are a few critical parts of why thinking is important. Our thinking determines what is true. It is the beingness of eternity through time, and is what the forms of form are carried upon. As our thinking changes, our world changes. This is the powerhouse engine that really makes dimensional activities fully engage: if we really embody the transformation of paradigms through our thinking, the whole thing transforms.

Much thinking has gone into transformation development, all over the world. This is our treasure. If we can mine our thinking, and interweave it into a tapestry, we can be the unbreakable fabric of a new, integrated identity of consciousness.

A ~ B ~ C ~ D ~ E ~ F ~ G ~ H ~ I ~ J ~ K ~ L ~ M ~ N ~ O ~ P ~ Q ~ R ~ S ~ T ~ U ~ V ~ W ~ X ~ Y ~ Z ~ Ƶ