The Alphabet Code
H ~ eternal

H ~ eternal

H h

By the numbers: 8; 2x2x2, 2×4; 

By the sound: aitch

By the shape: a ladder, open ended above and below

Images: a flattened dna helix; a ladder; an open ended infinity symbol (8)

Meanings: embodied breath, greater fabric, eternity, superstructure, lemniscate

The first ‘cubing’, introducing the first instance of one type of complexity. The completion of the second cubing is the whole of the alphabet code; and the next cubing could be expressed as the I Ching and the 64 changes.

First heard as: eternal breath

The letter H is the eighth letter of the alphabet, is the third non-prime letter, and is two times two times two. It’s meaning is eternity, the eternal aspect of ourselves and the greater organism of which we are a part. 

Much of this work is built on a felt relationship of the progression of numbers and how they are in relationship with each other. So this is the third letter whose placement is divisible, and the first instance of a cubing, representing a new dimensional aspect. Because of this cubing and the meaning of it, eternity, I would suggest that this is the first completion of a deep dimensional concept, encoded in form. Eternity is a difficult concept for us to hold fully in our consciousness, and of course it is hard to know what is known by another, as we are our own meaning making machines. 

When I initially received the meanings of the alphabet code, the meaning was both eternity and the breath. In my contemplations, the breath in and the breath out represent the eternity symbol, embodied; and the concept of eternity is based on being present in the moment, through our breath, and being able to be connected to all that ever has been and all that ever will be.

This concept of eternity is the last big insight about who we are as beings of consciousness, and occurs just before the notion of us being individuated, whole, and complete is fully expressed.

A ~ B ~ C ~ D ~ E ~ F ~ G ~ H ~ I ~ J ~ K ~ L ~ M ~ N ~ O ~ P ~ Q ~ R ~ S ~ T ~ U ~ V ~ W ~ X ~ Y ~ Z ~ Ƶ