The Alphabet Code
G ~ essence

G ~ essence

G g

By the numbers: 7; prime

By the sound: gee

By the shape: and open spiral

Images: a vortex, with a hook that may play through time, rather than the static or flatter dimensional vortex of e

Meanings: core, source, mystical power, divine, essential, seed of consciousness

First heard as: mystical power

The seventh letter is G, which is a prime, and therefore a new energy being expressed: essence. This is a good time to consider the progression of the primes: beginning with all that is, moving to into beingness, then seeing, or perceiving. If we use the forms of the alphabet code and make differentiations between the number placement of the primes and the divisible letters, E would be the fourth progression of the primes, so the form of the new concepts being expressed; and the fifth prime expression would be essence, and is closely related to energy. 

Essence as expressed here is the essential energy that we are; it points to the essential ‘isness’ within or expressed by anything; and points us towards a knowing or remembering of our essential nature. It is the first raw embodiment and answer to the question: who are we?

This is the first embodied and conceptual door and a clue towards a realization of our significance: as essential expressions of the divine nature of the universe, the concept of essence points us both inside ourselves and outside to the world. We are all that.

Each of us is a power unto ourselves, and if we can nourish the inner flame inside, the core essence of us, we can stoke the flames of health and empowered action. I have a teacher who has been guiding me with a cohort of students towards deleting our ‘files’, the internal memories and chatter that takes up such a weight on the attention. I’m so grateful for the support, and it’s through that work I’ve been steadily releasing all that noise so that there can be space for these deep considerations of self and identity. 

This process has cultivated practices to quiet the self, which opens the space to listen into the essence, to access it directly from the center of our personal power.

When I first received the alphabet code, I used the word mystical power to describe this letter. This for me is where the identity of energy is first expressed as life holding its own center, as the beginning of consciousness realized. This is a first instance of empowerment, of the essential energy that is spirit expressed in flesh, embodied.

A ~ B ~ C ~ D ~ E ~ F ~ G ~ H ~ I ~ J ~ K ~ L ~ M ~ N ~ O ~ P ~ Q ~ R ~ S ~ T ~ U ~ V ~ W ~ X ~ Y ~ Z ~ Ƶ