The Alphabet Code
E ~ energy

E ~ energy

E e

By the numbers: 5; prime

By the sound: Eee; higher pitched frequency 

By the shape: large, an open sided ladder, perhaps half of a dna helix; the small ‘e’  a representation of a spiral

Images: a vortex; a moving spiral

Meanings: energy, vibration, enlivenment, life, love

First heard as: energy; love

As a prime letter, e means energy and is a new form coming into the system. This is the fifth letter, and is the central letter in the first row of nine letters. It is pivotal, and where I sense the stirrings of life arising in the expression of the alphabet code.

This energy is a base form, actively expressed and moving. Energy is movement and aliveness; it is a key aspect of the visible world and is a central principle that operates in the natural world. At a higher aspect, it is love, the base resonance of the universe. Sound, light, electricity, all these are energy expressed. 

In some new age material one may have read about the fifth dimension. The alphabet code invites us all to consider how we imagine or experience the dimensions. When I imagine the progression of dimensions, I see the fourth dimension as incorporating spacetime as a natural expression of form across space, relationally.  The fifth dimension I sense as energy co-resonating as life, a conscious and connected whole.

A ~ B ~ C ~ D ~ E ~ F ~ G ~ H ~ I ~ J ~ K ~ L ~ M ~ N ~ O ~ P ~ Q ~ R ~ S ~ T ~ U ~ V ~ W ~ X ~ Y ~ Z ~ Ƶ