critical path

The Ƶ is the 27th and last letter of the alphabet code, and symbolizes the critical pathway through the shift of paradigms. It is the ninth letter of the third tier; the last letter of the ninth triad; the crowning glory of ‘seeing’. Can we see the way through the paradigm shift? Is it possible for us to not only see what is, but to realize ourselves and our purpose, and identify the critical pathway through the shift of paradigms?

H was the result of 2x2x2, the eighth letter, which means eternity. It is the final test in the process of the completion, or individuation of the person – can we be present with our breath, knowing that our breath is the symbol of our eternal connection to life, as an embodied soul? This realization sets us up to complete our embodiment process, as a human. The alphabet code, or this expression of 3x3x3, is the next stage: can we be embodied, and realized in the third dimension, as beings of consciousness in connection with each other, as a Greater Consciousness?

This is the quest, and the question I hold in my heart. It’s my hope that through sharing this body of information and working with it in collaboration with others, together we can become more fully realized.

This is our why: we have a collective purpose, and that is to revision our world in a resonant likeness that we choose. All of us have a part to play, and it is very much about us finding our own purpose. My purpose, for example, includes sharing the series of understandings known as the alphabet code with the world, as well as integrating them as best I can. I also am continuously listening to the other information that I perceive from the universe, so I can share information in right timing, in right relationship, and in right action. 

It must be shared that this body of work is definitely through my own lens of consciousness. When I consider a ‘shift of paradigms’, for example, I think of massive systems change, from the ground up. It may not play out that way, but I can always have hope! As well as actively taking part in transformation processes and being a part of designing systems that can be part of the change. 

For me the integration of the critical path means that we are seeing what we are looking at; that we see ourselves and our gifts and needs squarely in the middle of what we see; and that we can use our intelligence to enact the change we identify, develop and integrate.

It’s my hope that the alphabet code can play a role in transforming our concepts of ourselves and our potential, as a lens of transformation. When we can really see ourselves, empowered, designing systems and ways of knowing and being that do include all that we have ever been, and all that we ever may be, we are enacting the transformative processes that we need to become ever more realized. 

And with that, I want to thank you for your journey through these words, and the process of recovery or discovery you have been on. Any insights you may like to share would be so very helpful, and appreciated. 

The more of us bring these gifts of inspiration as a reclamation of our divine nature, the more whole we will all be in our living truth. It’s my belief that the rebalancing of our natures from the story of the fallen angel to the notion that we are whole, connected and of inherent value to the whole will allow a new emergent reality to surface, anchor and grow.

By the numbers: 27; 3×9, 3x3x3

By the sound: zed

By the shape: the zigzag with a bar through the middle, the German ƶ

Images: the short way through the middle of the challenge; a surprising potentiality 

Meanings: seeing and enacting the best path of systemic transformation; the critical pathway through the paradigm shift, the very best next step

First heard as: the critical pathway through the paradigm shift; critical path

Explore the letters

A  B  C   D  E  F   G  H  I  

J  K  L   M  N  O   P  Q  R 

S  T  U   V  W  X   Y  Z  Ƶ