I invite you on a journey of transformation and an exploration of living intelligence. Incredibly, encoded within the letters that we use to communicate and share meaning together, in language, is a code that points us towards wholeness, and the meaning of life. How is this possible? And, what does that mean? At first, it may bring more questions than answers.
You’ll see this navigation grid on most pages on our site. Feel free to use it to spell words, by opening the letters in a row on your browser:
The math and the patterns
When I first perceived the alphabet code, I was struck by its elegance and complex simplicity. I felt the colour of the letters, the essence. I experienced a resonance of myth, math and meaning, and felt the evolutionary principles that underpin language in each letter. The breadth of the landscape of language and meaning widened and added an as-yet-to-be-known beauty into a landscape that I’d thought was reasonable, mundane, and knowable.
There is a wholeness that cannot be fully expressed and known literally. This wholeness just is. And yet, in order to have a conversation about this wholeness, which is of course more expansive than our capacity to perceive reality, it’s useful to bring it back to linear storytelling.
In our journey together, we will weave back and forth between poles and tangents, sometimes with clarity and sometimes feeling and sensing into the not-yet-known. The hope is that this work supports the development of a shared meaning making matrix, building on the core explorations of the alphabet code.
You are invited to contemplate the image below. It is an earlier iteration of the work, so you will see some of the evolution of the words we have chosen to represent each letter.
I invite you to use ‘resonance’ to discern for yourself what feels right, as you read through the information and study the image. What do you feel when you see this image? What questions arise? What do you notice first? Feel free to note your first impressions and include them in the comments.
The first three letters are a teaser for the entire alphabet: all that is, the core identity of the ‘is-ness’ of reality; we and it are in a state of being; and from that place of being, with a role and perspective, we see. The concepts are fractal and nested, and are a recursive pattern. As you may have noticed, a 27th letter made itself known: the Ƶ.
There are three tiers of nine letters. The first tier is all about our identity; the second tier, what we manifest and choose from our ‘beingness’; and the third tier is the integration of all of that, including how we see ourselves, each other and the world.
Another way to look at is is that first nine letters help us to understand ourselves as creators, as individuated aspects of spirit; the second nine letters gives us insight into the tools of empowerment we can use to develop our capacities; and the final nine letters show how we can collectively transform, as a whole system, as a conscious shift of paradigms. The hope is that through applying and integrating the insights of the first two tiers, we can manifest the third ~ and that is where the greater Work together comes in.
As an overview, here is the simple complexity of the concepts in order: <we are> all that is, and all that is not, being, and seeing; we are natural law and energy, in relationship; we are essential, eternal and complete; we manifest, consciously choosing and informing, in the natural cycles, in ourselves, in the world; we are thinking, questioning and activating; we are connecting our presence, and are able to hold all that we are; we are flow, understanding the change that is happening, for a purpose: the paradigm shift, and the critical pathway through.
Without further ado, I invite you to explore the letters themselves. Before I do, it’s important to note that to fully understand the alphabet code, you must include yourself in it. These are not objective symbols that live in a separate universe; these symbols point us to consider ourselves as shards of consciousness, and mirror you as a center of living consciousness.
Want to do a deep dive?
Explore the letters
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