C c
By the numbers: 3; prime; a third point, creating the first dimensional shape, a triangle, in two dimensional space.
By the sound: See
By the shape: a semi-circle with an open space, frontward; could connote an eye
Images: an eyeball, with the opening the aperture lens;
Meanings: to see, sight, observing, perceptions, perspective, role, view.
First heard as: to see; role; perspective
The third letter of the alphabet means to see, with all of the ramifications of that. From the point of the ‘third’, we can see a perspective, which means we come from a particular place. This suggests a role, a place, a situation; and also speaks of our senses and perceptions. From a perspective, we see. This is a key and critical piece of the puzzle – that our perspective and perceptions are the frame from which we see. This frame informs the context and is interwoven into what we see, by each of us. I see things how I do because of who I am, how I was taught, and what I believe to be true. Reality is limited and augmented by my way of seeing.
In this study of the alphabet code, we will come back to this study of the lenses we use to perceive things, from many entry points and directions. Language, as a carrier of consciousness and conveyance of meaning, is an evolutionary faculty. What seems to be suggested through the study of the alphabet code is that the lens of language itself tells us about ourselves and our evolutionary potential. As we become aware of the power of our perceptions, and cultivate the ways in which we perceive ourselves and the world, we can reclaim our capacities to create, make meaning, and communicate what we see.
The integration of ‘seeing’ is the pathway to self-transformation in connection with the whole. With the realization of the third letter, from duality into the perspective of a third point, we open our creative potential. This bridge is the realization of what is seen, what can be seen, and the power of how we see. What can be collectively understood? What can be created?
The first three letters is the core of the alphabet code. To realize its meaning, it’s important to put us squarely inside the exploration: we are aspects of consciousness: each a shard of all that is, being, seeing. As a being, I do the seeing, as do we all including our non human relatives, I might add.
As we begin to understand the creational power of seeing, and take ownership of that potential, we empower ourselves to be creators. When we find ways to see the same thing at the same time, we can begin to know more fully the ways we can consciously create together, and see ourselves as the greater organism that we are. As you explore the alphabet code, my hope is that we see together the ways we can come back to wholeness and envision and create the shift of paradigms in very grounded ways, together.
The third letter of the alphabet points us in the direction of a Great Quest: the quest of really seeing. Fully seeing and realizing ourselves.
A ~ B ~ C ~ D ~ E ~ F ~ G ~ H ~ I ~ J ~ K ~ L ~ M ~ N ~ O ~ P ~ Q ~ R ~ S ~ T ~ U ~ V ~ W ~ X ~ Y ~ Z ~ Ƶ