B b
By the numbers: 2; prime; a line, dimensional movement from a point to a line
By the sound: be; bursting from the mouth, outward, with energy
By the shape: Two bumps, perhaps breasts; a bottom bump, like a pregnancy;
Images: breasts; a pregnant woman
Meanings and insights: to be, is-ness, birth, state of being, self and other, mirror, teacher
First heard as: being
The primary meaning of the letter b is being: it is a movement from the wholeness of all that is and all that is not, into a state of being. This creates the notion of self and other, of the initial separation from wholeness into a specific and bounded state of being. This is a powerful learning. This letter also has meaningful elements of mirroring, of teaching and of learning, which we are certainly learning through the experience of being!
In this letter there is a representation of the initial schism of separation, and the ‘fall’ of the angels, or consciousness, into form. Coming from the concept of wholeness, the beingness or the two-ness of things represents a break in the wholeness, and a separation into self and other. This separation is a necessary part of coming into form, and is also painful. The binaries are represented here; male/female, good/evil, darkness/light. This first movement from wholeness into form is not an end but a starting point. I find myself deeply considering: is birth like a death, and death like a birth?
The art of beingness in the fullness of embodiment is a journey of awakening into the full potential of consciousness. This ‘beingness’ requires a shift in consciousness to be realized, and points to some deep healing: we need to realize our wholeness in each of our apparent distinct selves. As we explore the alphabet code more deeply, the healing we yearn for always comes back to the reclamation of our wholeness in the paradox of being.
A ~ B ~ C ~ D ~ E ~ F ~ G ~ H ~ I ~ J ~ K ~ L ~ M ~ N ~ O ~ P ~ Q ~ R ~ S ~ T ~ U ~ V ~ W ~ X ~ Y ~ Z ~ Ƶ