I invite you on a journey of transformation and an exploration of living intelligence. Incredibly, encoded within the letters that we use to communicate and share meaning together, in language, is a code that points us towards wholeness, and the meaning of life. How is this possible? And, what does that mean?
I became aware of this body of information in a meditation in the summer of the year 2000. It came as a download, all of a piece: in about half an hour as I sat on my couch, each letter dropped into my awareness like a stone in a pond, one deep concept making waves in my consciousness and expanding my concepts of reality, one big ripple at a time. I remember feeling imbued with psycho-spiritual sensations which lasted for weeks. The world felt magical, full of hope, and synchronicities abounded.
In the days, weeks, and months following, I began to understand the depth and breadth of what I had perceived. And as I started using the alphabet code to understand words, I was struck with the awe of agape—oh gosh! it seemed impossible that such a rich truth could be hidden just under the surface, in the words that we use to convey meaning. How could this be? So elegant and universally unifying, a map of wholeness, right beneath our noses.
Now, as the days and weeks have stretched into years and decades, I am ever more in awe of the simple complexity that the alphabet code brings into my awareness. It just gets richer.
It’s time to bring the alphabet code into the world. This is an invitation to you, dear friend and journeyer, to be a part of the continued development of this body of work. I’m interested in your insights, your experience, and how your consciousness interacts with the information and knowledge.
In service to the great awakening that is emerging within humanity, I am inviting a cohort of humans onto a quest. Our purpose is to understand the intent and purpose of the alphabet code and consider how it can be beneficial to the evolvement of consciousness within humanity—starting with ourselves and our own insights and transformations.
When I feel into the alphabet code, there is a deep sense of wholeness that gets uncovered as I am able to hold the twenty-seven concepts in relationship with each other, in relationship with how I understand the world. As every single letter represents a specific property of wholeness, any word becomes a constellation of those qualities in the precise order of that word. The length of the word, the sequence of the letters and their specific placement all carry meaning. It points to this unseen complexity within. It entrains the mind to be able to hold ever more complexity, and pushes the edges of our belief systems. If the alphabet code is ‘true’, then what does that mean? And further, what is the meaning of meaning? And how can the alphabet be meaningfully shared in it’s own context, in the world as we know it today?
I invite you to suspend your disbelief, and sidle up to the possibility that all is not what it seems; and that reality is far more rich, permeable and porous than science would admit. Many of you will have heard the one about each of us holding a part of an elephant, describing the soft ear and he leathery belly; the heavy yet sweet feet and the thin tail. In a journey of the recovery of our potential, the elephant in the room of our reality may be painted with more colours than we as yet know exist. I imagine this fabulous elephant dancing majestically in full power with all of its dimensions and girth, representing a way larger frame of reality than any one of us can conceive.
I think the alphabet code gives us a chance to question the very tenets of language, consciousness, and meaning. I hope this journey holds the potential to transform ourselves from the limitations of a prescribed and mundane existence to an empowered, expanded view of ourselves and the universe of which we are a part.
The beautiful complexity that the alphabet code brings into our awareness is one of many examples in the world today of what the expansion and evolvement of our consciousness looks and feels like. The image you see on the next page is one example of a visual expression that can inspire you to consider the ways that the dimensions of complexity within language connects us in a wholeness, in parts, in which we are entangled.
Let’s jump in.
Ways to engage
I’ve invited a small group of people to come and kick the tires. This is a collaboration project, an effort to create value together. Throughout our engagement, I’ll be asking for your thoughts and feedback in surveys like the one that you just did to enter this learning space.
This is an experiment: the content, the process, the collaboration in this cohort. So your thoughts and feedback are incredibly valuable offerings. Part of the experiment is to track how people engage with this work. As we move through this process, you will be prompted to note how much time you have spent reading, contemplating, and using the alphabet code. This investment of your time is of value,
The math and the patterns
When I first received the alphabet code, I was struck by its elegance and complex simplicity. I felt the colour of the letters, the essence. I experienced a resonance of myth, math and meaning, and felt the evolutionary principles that underpin language in each letter. The breadth of the landscape of language and meaning widened and added as-yet-to-be-known beauty into a landscape that I’d thought was reasonable, mundane, and knowable.
There is a wholeness that cannot be fully expressed and known literally. This wholeness just is. And yet, in order to have a conversation about this wholeness, which is of course more expansive than our limited view of reality, it’s useful to bring it back to linear storytelling.
One sentence, one message at a time, while not losing the overarching sense of wholeness. In our journey together, we will weave back and forth between poles and tangents, sometimes with clear resonance and sometimes feeling and sensing into the not-yet-known. The hope is that this group work experiment supports the development of a shared meaning making matrix, building on the core explorations of the alphabet code.
Our first contemplation is the image below. As you will see, there is a complexity of information in-formation, with the letters arranged in a cube of 27 letters, their number pairings, and their meanings.
What do you feel when you see this image? What questions arise? What do you notice first? As your first task in this study, please note your first impressions – there is no way to replicate a first impression, and it is so very valuable!
I invite you to use that sense of ‘resonance’ to discern for yourself what feels right as you read through the information and study the image. I’m especially interested in any new insights you may have, and any feedback you may have that builds on this body of work.
Please share your thoughts below:
The first key to hold when you contemplate the alphabet code is that it is fractal, in threes. The concepts are fractal and nested, and are a recursive pattern. As you can see, a 27th letter made itself known: the Ƶ. This means the fractal pattern is 3x3x3, which creates a three dimensional cube. Consider all of the alphabet code as iterations of threes. In fact, the first three letters encode the entire alphabet with its meaning, which is ever more deeply expressed throughout all the letters: all that is, the core identity of the ‘is-ness’ of reality; that we and it are in a state of being; and from that place of being, with a role and perspective, we see.
All the meanings nest in each other, so there are three tiers of nine letters. The first tier is all about our identity, the second tier, what we manifest and choose from our ‘beingness’, and the third is the integration of all of that, including how we see ourselves, each other and the world. Now, also in each row of nine letters, there are three groupings of three, and I invite you to consider that the first three letters are about our identity, the second three letters our beingness, and the third, our perspective and role. Similarly, the first letter in any triad is the identity, the second it’s beingness, and the third is the integration, or ‘seeing’. We will explore these patterns with the attendant and arising meaning throughout this work.
The initial insights included the corresponding linear number of the position of each letter, which you will also see described throughout this work. This math is a part of a larger body of information, which includes the sound of each letter, the shape of the mouth in the sounding of it, including the origination and flow of the sound it makes; the shape of the letter symbol, both small and capitalized; and the feeling it has when it is spoken, and how it interacts with other letters when it is expressed. And we weave back to the math: notions of ‘prime number letters’ and ‘divisible letters’ and the exploration of the numerological pairs is a rich contemplation which is the core of this work. And all around this work is a wholeness or assessed discernment that takes into consideration all of these elements, along with the relationality to the whole. The whole is definitely greater than the sum of its parts.
The first nine letters help us to understand ourselves as creators, as individuated aspects of spirit; the second nine letters gives us insight into the tools of empowerment we can use to develop our capacities; and the final nine letters show how we can collectively transform, as a whole system, as a conscious shift of paradigms. The hope is that through applying and integrating the first two tiers, we can manifest the third ~ and that is where the greater Work together comes in.
As an overview, here is the simple complexity of the concepts in order: <we are> all that is, and all that is not, being, and seeing; we are natural law and energy, in relationship; we are essential, eternal and complete; we manifest, consciously choosing and informing, in the natural cycles, in ourselves, in the world; we are thinking, questioning and activating; we are connecting our presence, and are able to hold all that we are; we are flow, understanding the change that is happening, for a purpose: the paradigm shift, and the critical pathway through.Without further ado, I invite you to explore the letters themselves. Before I do, it’s important to note that to fully understand the alphabet code, you must include yourself in it. These are not objective symbols that live in a separate universe; these symbols point us to consider ourselves as shards of consciousness, and mirror you as a center of living consciousness.
Want to do a deep dive?
A ~ B ~ C ~ D ~ E ~ F ~ G ~ H ~ I ~ J ~ K ~ L ~ M ~ N ~ O ~ P ~ Q ~ R ~ S ~ T ~ U ~ V ~ W ~ X ~ Y ~ Z ~ Ƶ