Z z
By the numbers: 26; 2×13
By the sound: zee
By the shape: a zigzag shape; forward, downward and backward and then forward again
Images: the potential extinction cliff, the scrambled effort of seeming failure, and a new track emerges
Meanings: transcending, seeing it differently, changing tracks, being the change
shift of paradigms, transition, integration, transcending, a change of seeing it, that will show us the critical path. Otherwise we will go blind and make the wrong choices. Inevitable, turning point of consciousness, the natural cycles of being
First heard as: the paradigm shift
Z is the last letter of the alphabet as I was taught in school! It is the twenty sixth letter, and is 2×13. This would relate to the beingness, or the teaching, of the natural cycles of time. This beingness means that at some point, consciousness will realize itself, and unfold in the shift of paradigms. It is also the 8th letter of the third tier, and holds a resonance of eternity. We have always been in a shift of paradigms, and will always be.
When I first received the information, I saw the shape of the z, and imagined it as: here we are, cruising along, (the top of the z) and suddenly we realize we are at a brick wall or a cliff. We realize we must take a leap, what may seem like backwards, or downwards, and perhaps in freefall! And then we will find a new track, a new vision, a new paradigm.
This paradigm is also all that we have explored so far on the journey, that all this is us. That each of us is at our own center, and that we are all connected. We all affect each other, and we are part of something larger than us.
In this paradigm shift many beliefs will be challenged, and many truths upon which we base our reality will be shaken. This is the nature of a shift of paradigms: that the old frames of reference no longer apply.
As we begin to realize ourselves more fully in the light and consciousness that we are, the emergence of the Truth of consciousness will further inform the depth and richness of our circumstance, identity, and how that relates to our world as it is. It is up to each of us to feel into the right timing of our own journey; however there is a critical timing, and critical path towards a collective awakening. It is symbolized by the last letter of the alphabet.
A ~ B ~ C ~ D ~ E ~ F ~ G ~ H ~ I ~ J ~ K ~ L ~ M ~ N ~ O ~ P ~ Q ~ R ~ S ~ T ~ U ~ V ~ W ~ X ~ Y ~ Z ~ Ƶ